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Rocky View Publishing reporter embraces motto: no plans, no problem

I think we have all been there at some point; life is too busy, sleep is hard to come by and getting up for another day of work becomes increasingly painful. Weekends have lost some of their charm because they are filled with chores and projects.

I think we have all been there at some point; life is too busy, sleep is hard to come by and getting up for another day of work becomes increasingly painful. Weekends have lost some of their charm because they are filled with chores and projects. Life just seems to become one long scheduled event you “have to” go to after another until you are burnt out.

I can admit it; I was feeling just like that. It was as if I was swimming through molasses and every little task seemed monumental. So I decided to take a week off to catch my breath by having a full seven days of no plans, no “have to” and no projects list.

When I first decided to take time off, I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty because I wasn’t planning on going anywhere and my husband wasn’t taking the week off with me. I kind of felt like I was being lazy by taking time for myself and I began to panic a little bit – what if my husband wants to go away later this year and my vacation time is used up? Should I really waste a week off to just stay at home?

But I was really feeling burnt out and I know myself well enough to know that I needed this break. I began to realize it would be a good thing for me. My husband is happiest at home and if I didn’t plan our vacations, I don’t think he’d ever go anywhere to be honest. Taking a week to relax, be it at home or at some fancy destination, is never a waste, it’s a needed time to unwind and refocus yourself.

My week off came and at first my husband had me convinced I needed to plan an adventure everyday. I suppose I should back up and tell you I get a little weird if I am alone too long. I like being around people. I like to have conversations and spend time with the people I care about.

When I’m not around people for hours and hours, I get a little excited when I finally do have someone to talk to. In all honesty, it’s a bit like a dog greeting you with so much excitement his whole body vibrates. I can get a little bit like that. When my husband gets home after a day where I am alone, I tend to bombard him with attention, while he most likely wants just a few minutes to relax and unwind.

So for the first couple of days I made sure I got out of the house for a little bit each day, even if it was just to go pick up groceries. I was dressed and a fully functioning member of society who perhaps spent just a little too long chatting with the cashiers before I returned home.

But by day three I really had nothing left to pick up at the store, no errands to run and no plans and a funny thing happened. I was finally able to take a deep breath and enjoy sitting in my backyard with my dog, knitting and drinking a coffee. For the rest of my time off I decided to live it without plans. My “to do” list went to the wayside; if I felt like crossing off an item on it, I did; if not, I didn’t let it bother me. I met friends for unscheduled walks and for a trip to the thrift store. I sat at home and watched girly movies while painting my fingernails. I slowed down and enjoyed being free of my daily norms and responsibilities. It was glorious and I highly recommend it.

After my time off came to an end and I headed back to work, I can tell you I did not regret a single moment of my time to myself. It was a chance I don’t often allow myself to be guilt-free, spontaneous and selfish.

So if you are getting to the point where everyday seems longer than the last, I’d suggest you slow down and find your own slice of heaven by allowing yourself the freedom to spend time doing only exactly what you want to do.

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