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Life, values, faith and related stuffÖ

One of the realities I love about this community is its large number of young children. Children are the motor oil of the neighbourhood, itís been said: theyíll keep you running.

One of the realities I love about this community is its large number of young children. Children are the motor oil of the neighbourhood, itís been said: theyíll keep you running.

I thus look forward to Tuesday mornings at our MOPS (Mothers-of-Pre-Schoolers) meetings where Iím fortunate to interact with numerous youngsters and their moms. Observing the obvious physical differences among the toddlers and infants serves as a vivid reminder to me that each represents what Scripture refers to as ìthe image of God.î Unique, complex, diverse.

I donít fully comprehend all that such a designation entails, but when I pause to reflect on the full significance of the human raceís individual differences externally and internally, Iím inclined to legitimately employ the over-used term ìawesomeî with respect to God, Creator, Divine Being, or whatever label youíre most comfortable using for the masterful artistry conveyed in the complexity of every human being.

As long ago as they were, I recall the anticipation and angst associated with days spent waiting the arrival of our sons and daughter. ìHey, in-there,î I used to call through the walls of their motherís abdomen, ìrent payments are due the day you arrive.î It was my curious way of anticipating the major responsibilities associated with bringing children into this world. I believed then, as I do now, that we needed wisdom beyond our own in undertaking the task.

It didnít take long to realize, of course, that babies have some creative ways of informing you of the more nefarious components of their complex make-ups. Our second son had what we ancients called ìcolicî meaning he took sadistic delight in bellowing long into most nights. Accordingly, I retain ongoing amazement that moms or dads can actually get by on minimal sleep.

Parenthood is indeed a challenging task made somewhat less burdensome by comparing notes with other parents. And that leads to another thing Iím grateful for in this community ñ the menu of options that exists to support the sleep-deprived among us.

Many churches in Airdrie offer programs of support for those with young children. A recent conversation with my friends over at Community Links reminded me of their ìPregnancy and Beyondî initiative that is - forgive me, ladies - bursting at the seams.

Thereís no reason for new parents to feel like they have to ìgo it aloneî in this town. Call one of us - this is a community that truly cares for you and your little one(s).

Tim is pastor of Faith Community Church and can be reached @timwcallaway, [email protected] or 403-948-6727.

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