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Airdrie student places second at Provincial Skills Competition

While no high school competitors from Airdrie took part in this year’s Provincial Skills Competition, several Post Secondary competitors originated from Airdrie.

Former Airdrie student, Erik Thoresen, placed second in the Electrical Installations category at the 2024 Post-Secondary Provincial Skills Canada Competition last week.

For Thoresen, this was not his first rodeo.

Thoresen, who graduated from SAIT with his electrician’s certificate last year, also took home gold at the 2023 provincial skills competition.

He was one of four former Airdrie students to participate in the provincial event. Nicholas Fogg and Angeline Robert both from SAIT competed in Automobile Technology, while Cassidy Gregg who attends MC College competed in Hairstyling.

Fogg placed fifth, up from ninth the year prior, while Robert placed 16th. Gregg landed in sixth in her category.

Former Rocky View County resident, Justin Wenstrom, who now attends SAIT, placed eighth in Heavy Vehicle Technology.

Prior to finding out the results, Fogg said he felt good about his performance and that being part of the top 30 youth and young adults in his trade competing in the provincial skills competition was an accomplishment all on its own. He hopes to return to the competition for his third and final time next year.

The Provincial Skills Competition took place at the Edmonton EXPO Centre May 8 and 9.

The gold medallist from the Provincial Skills Canada Competition will move on to the 2024 Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC) in Quebec City, QC, from May 27 to June 1, 2024.

To learn more about the competition or to check out other categories, go to

Masha Scheele

About the Author: Masha Scheele

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